Post-op instructions

If there are any questions or concerns regarding your treatment, please do not hesitate to call us at 918-492-6994.


Apply an ice pack (wrapped in a towel) to the face over the area where surgery was performed for a period of 36 hours at all times to reduce swelling.  DO NOT place the ice directly against your face.


After the first 36 hours apply moist heat to the face over the area where surgery was performed.  This can be done by applying a moist washcloth next to your face and then placing a warm heating pad next to the cloth.  The application of heat may be continued for several days until swelling has disappeared.  A good time to do this will be when you are resting, watching TV, or doing quiet activities.

Rinsing Mouth

Do not rinse your mouth during the first 24 hours after surgery.  After 24 hours, warm salt water rinses should be started four times a day, gently.  (Add one teaspoon of salt to eight ounces of warm water.)  This should be continued for seven to ten days after surgery.  Brush remaining teeth at least twice a day.


Diet may be taken as tolerated.  Drink plenty of fluids.  If all teeth have been removed a regular diet may be ground up in a blender or grinder.  No carbonated beverages, such as Coke, 7-Up, etc., are allowed for 24 hours.  No milk products for 24 hours.


Biting firmly on moistened gauze for three to four hours in the area of bleeding will usually control most bleeding.  However, bleeding can persist throughout the first day.  You can also apply direct pressure with your index finger for 45 minutes or until the bleeding stops.  If you still have problems with bleeding, apply a moist tea bag over the socket with a gauze pack on top for 45 minutes to stop bleeding.  A protective clot will form in the socket.  DO NOT TRY TO REMOVE IT.


Pain medicines should be taken as prescribed.  DO NOT drive or drink alcoholic beverages while taking pain medicines.  Antibiotics must be taken until ALL of the medication is gone.  Serious infection may result if you stop taking the antibiotic early.  WE CANNOT legally prescribe Class II medication over the phone.

Smoking, Straws, or Spitting

Avoid for at least 24 hours.  The actions used in smoking, drinking from a straw, or spitting cause dry sockets, a lengthy and very painful condition.